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GPD 5811722  
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GPD 5811722 Specifications
TypeR134a Can Tap w/ Hose-R134a Can Tap w/ Hose to Coupler; w/ Gauge; w/ Self-sealing can tap; Used on new CARB Cans
R134a; Can Tap & Coupler w/ Gauge

New self-sealing containers have proven to reduce pollutants but require special attention when it comes to the can tap and adapters. Using the wrong can tap/adapter on a self-sealing valve can destroy the seal, leaking refrigerant or trapping it inside.

  • Compatible with Self-Sealing Cans of R134a
  • Within the Tap is a Flat Depressor Rod Instead of a Needle
  • 1/2" ACME Right-Hand Thread

Warranty Information:
12 Months