More Information for PIONEER CA8609
{Alternate Inventory Numbers: CA-8609}
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PIONEER CA8609 Specifications
Overall Length36.33"
Mounting Length27.55"
1st End TypeT Cylinder
1st End Size8mm
2nd End TypeT Cylinder
2nd End Size6mm
Accelerator cables connect the foot pedal to either the carburetor or EFI assembly. Old cables can bind, break, or just become sluggish. The best repair is to replace the old cable with a new one. Pioneer accelerator cables are designed to fit and function just like the original cable to ensure durability and long life.

Features & Benefits:
  • Fit, look and perform like OE for ease of repair and installation without needed modification
  • Quality polymer cable insulations protect cable from corrosion and abrasions, ensuring long lasting performance
  • All cables include necessary brackets, grommets and ends, providing a comprehensive package from a single source
OEM / Interchange Numbers: 737065250, 737065251

PIONEER Warranty Information:
12 Months